With a certificate of completion, appearance enhancement license and your work experience in the beauty world, you will be prepared to reach your goals!

Brittany Beauty Academy | HSE Diploma
Start your new career!
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  • Brittany Beauty Academy expects all students to be respectful of the privacy of other students, as well as staff members.
  • Please be reminded that Brittany Beauty Academy’s Code of Conduct and building level rules and procedures outlined in Student Orientation and enrollment agreement continue to apply in remote learning and virtual spaces.
  • Brittany Beauty Academy expects all students keep the login and passwords private for only their individual use. By sharing your private login credentials you void your enrollment in Brittany Beauty Academy.
  • Please follow all rules of Virtual Classroom etiquette as listed below.
  • Taking photographs or video of students or staff members engaged in live instruction or virtual learning is not allowed. Any distribution or sharing (even among family) compromises the privacy of all involved, and could result in discontinuation of live, synchronous instruction.
  • The recording of screens or taking pictures of screens during live instruction without permission is not allowed.
  • Please try your best to use a space that is conducive to learning, free of distractions, and to the extent possible, free of background noise or activity.
  • Please respect the learning space and established learning communities and norms of each classroom. If you have a question or comment, please contact your teacher as you would ordinarily do otherwise.
  • Profanity or inappropriate language as well as classroom disruptions will not be tolerated.
  • If you have a question about a private matter you should use the CHAT feature and send a private message to the instructor. You will wait for instructions on who to contact or for a private time for the instructor to have a discussion with you. (NOT during class time)
  • It is Brittany Beauty Academy’s stance that by logging on to participate in live, synchronous instruction, you agree to comply with the above Rules and Procedures for Safe & Secure Synchronous Instruction.

Virtual Classroom Etiquette

  • This is a virtual classroom; therefore, appropriate classroom behavior is expected. Brittany Beauty Academy’s Code of Conduct and building level rules and procedures outlined in the Student Orientation and Enrollment Agreement continue to apply in remote learning and virtual spaces.
  • Log into your class or meeting from a distraction-free, quiet environment.
  • Please keep your audio on mute until you want to speak. This will limit background noise.
  • Eliminate distractions such as ringtones and notifications.
  • Consider using a headset with an external microphone for best hearing and speaking capabilities, as well as keeping live sessions private to your class.
  • Close unneeded applications on your computer to optimize the video quality.
  • If you would like to speak or answer a question, use the chat room to let your teacher know you would like to speak or use the raise my hand feature. Then unmute yourself after you are called on by your teacher.
  • When you are speaking, let others know that you are finished by saying something like, “That’s all,” or “I’m done,” or “Thank you,” so that everyone knows you have finished your comments.
  • If you would like to use the chat feature, remember that it is public, and a record of the chat is kept and archived.
  • Keep paper and a pen/pencil handy to take notes.
  • Make sure your video is on and you are visible so your teacher can see you clearly.
  • Be mindful of your background lighting. If you are sitting with your back to a window, you may be silhouetted by the light coming through. Your overhead light might also need to be adjusted for the best image quality.
  • Please take care of your personal needs (appropriate dress, basic hygiene, eating, talking to others in your home, etc.) prior to entering a ZOOM Meeting.
  • Remember to sign out or “leave the meeting” when the session is finished.
  • Adherence to ALL of the rules are expected and will be enforced.  Should a teacher deem that you are not adhering to the above policies you may be blocked from attending that or future distance classes.


With a certificate of completion, appearance enhancement license and your work experience in the beauty world, you will be prepared to reach your goals!

Brittany Beauty Academy | HSE Diploma
Start your new career!
 I'd like to receive information via text message (standard rates may apply)